Thursday, March 28, 2019

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Wednesday March 27, 2019
Blog time 1100 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday, the alarm goes off at 0515.  I get right up and take Ms P out.  It was 25 with a bright moon.  The temp will get to mid 50s later.

I left home for the University Club at 0615.  Traffic was fairly heavy.  Before going to BC I walked around the block.  I like to watch the progress on the new multi story office building on Ottawa at Pearl.  Progress seems real slow.

We had about 20 members in attendance.  Today’s speaker was a fellow BC member who runs a home health service.  Bottom line it would cost a minimum of $100 per day to have a home health worker visit our home to make sure we took our meds and are eating right.  Getting old is expensive.

Drove straight home after BC.  Nancy was not home so I assume she went to MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  This evening we are attending class at Trinity Lutheran.  We might even go to their Lenten soup dinner.  Got on bike and headed to Panera.

Got home from Panera just as Nancy was leaving for the Gardens.  We decided to eat at home tonight.  We will attend the 1915 class.

At home did some calisthenics before lunch.  After lunch started my normal “rope yarn” Wednesday chores.

Took out trash.
Did a load of laundry. 
Took a nap.
Mile walk.

Nancy said the Gardens was very busy today.  The Butterfly exhibit is a big draw.  

Critter report;

On Tuesday Nancy saw a coyote in our back yard.

Today I scared five deer eating along the edge of Charlevoix not far from condo.

With the nice weather we see a lot of colorful birds.  I will try and find an app with pictures of Mi songbirds.

We had a quick dinner and then at 1845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  The class had several new members.  Nancy and I did not practically like this lecture.

We got home at 2100.  Watched the last episode of Bordertown.  Confusing ending.

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