Saturday, March 2, 2019

Friday March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019
Blog time 1110 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out this morning.  It was 16 with little wind.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  First time I have driven in months.  I did my calisthenics, 75%, walked 1/2 mile and then tried the elliptical machine.  Dr Kutsche said using the elliptical might be easier on my hip.  I did 10’.  My average heart rate was 104.  Not as good as rowing but still good enough.  Most folks say we should do an exercise that elevates our heart rate for at least 10 minutes.

Today is the first day of March.  The old saying says “ if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb”.  The reverse also being true.  It was cold this morning but no wind or snow so I think it came in like a lamb.

Memories of the fourth grade.  During winters I had to wear long underwear and usually a shirt with sweater.  Mother dressed me warm.  McPhee school had steam radiators in each room.  When they turned on they would super heat the school room.  With Scott as a last name I sat in the last row near the radiators and huge single pane windows.  On several late February afternoons when the sun was out and the radiators were going full blast I would get very warm.  All of a sudden a big loud crack would startle my class mates.  It was my head hitting the desk.  The crack would wake me up.  Oh the trials and tribulations of fourth graders.

As I was backing out of my parking space at Panera another car backed out and hit me.  No damage but I did get the name of the other driver.  His last name was Ghreeb.  Nancy said that one of our daughters went to high school with a Ghreeb.  

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I drove downtown to visit the Home and Garden show.  Downtown was crowded. Most of the parking lots were full.  We finally found one with space.   Of course it was a long distance from the Home and Garden show.

The Show was busy.  We walked around the entire venue and saw every booth.  We are interested in wood floors and getting our vents cleaned.  Visited several booths and got information.  Spent about two hours at the show.

At home put out corn for deer and fixed our apple snack.  Nancy gave me several options for dinner and I selected chili.  

Followed our normal weekday night time routine.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders before turning in.

Checked several times but no deer tonight.  Snow expected by morning.

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