Saturday, March 30, 2019

Friday March 29, 2019

Friday March 29, 2019

Blog time noon at Panera.

Nancy took Ms P out this morning.  I slept in until 0630.  Nancy headed to MVP this morning.  I told her to take it easy.

After breakfast I took the short bike route, 4 mi, to the Y.  It was 35 degrees with bright sun.  I have been able to ride my bike every day this week.  Great news.

Calisthenics, walk and row this morning.  After the shower I headed to Panera. It was 10 degrees warmer.

This morning;

I made a note to ask Nancy about her high school reunion this summer.  I think we should go.

I got the email address of a school chum, Maury Cohen.  I think his birthday is today so I wished him a Happy Birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, Phil Hertel, has the same birth date as yours truly.  Nancy has arranged that we have dinner on Apr 22.  Phil’s daughters were classmates with Debbie and Missy.  Also Phil’s girl friend, Becky Verker, is the Mother of Steve’s friend Brad Verker.  Good Grief I wrote about this in my March 26 blog.  Senior moment?
BRexit is making the U.K. government look foolish and confused.  

POTUS gave a 90 minute speech in GR last night.  It was 100% political and nasty.  The next 18 months are going to be embarrassing for the USA.

Health Care will be the big issue in the 2020 elections.  I am happy with my health care but someone has to come up with a plan to control prescription costs.  The cost of insulin has skyrocketed for no reason.  It is criminal.

50% of the folks at Panera are reading on an electronic device.

After lunch I started some chores;

Loaded up winter bike and took it to Ada Bike to get snow tires removed.  Will pick up next week.

Removed all trash cans and mats from garage.  I swept up all the sand and dirt that accumulated this winter.  Nancy had to help me put the dirt in a trash bag.

Took a nap.

Fixed apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed a chicken breast filled with spinach.  I had mine with two baked potatoes and fresh tomatoes.  Very good.

We watched some NCAA BB before switching to Netflix.  Tonight we watched the new movie “The Highwaymen.  It starred Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson.  It was set in 1934 in the midst of the Depression.  The Highwaymen were searching for Bonnie and Clyde.  Good movie.  I gave it an A-.

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