Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saturday March 9, 2019

Saturday March 9, 2019
Blog time 1120 at Cascade Library

Everyone was up at 0630 this morning.  Nancy took Ms P out it was 20 degrees.

For first time this year we walked to Panera.  We did encounter a few icy spots.  Bright sunshine this morning but rain starts at 1700 and continues through most of tomorrow.  It should get rid of a lot of snow.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library.

Tonight we are having dinner with Nancy’s friend Kathi.  We are meeting at Derby Station in Gas Light Village.

This afternoon I need to fill up the Escape.  If the car wash is not too busy I will get it washed.

The Cascade Library always surprises me with the foot traffic it receives.  Modern libraries are so much more user friendly than what I was accustomed to in my youth.  

At home before lunch I did some calisthenics. Shaved, showered and then had lunch.

This afternoon I ran out of time.  I did not fill up the car or get it washed.  How can a retired guy run out of time?

We left home at 1600 and drove to Derby Station.  We all arrived at the same time.  The place was just beginning to fill up.  After drinks we ordered.  Nancy and Kathi had a burger and I had fish and chips.  The food was good.  I gave Derby Station a B.  We spent an enjoyable two hours at the restaurant.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  She said it was raining in San Jose.  California has declared that the drought is over.  We got caught up on what is happening in Debbies life.  I alway enjoy FaceTiming with family.

We watched part of the UM vs MSU Basketball game.  With DST starting tonight we headed to bed at 2100.

The temperature was still above freezing at bedtime.  It was also raining.  In fact it should rain most of the night.  The rain will help get rid of the snow.  I predict the snow will be gone by Wednesday. Wishful thinking?



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