Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wednesday March 6, 2019

Wednesday March 6, 2019
Blog time 1030 at Panera

Once again Nancy took Ms P out this morning.  I slept in.  The temp was 16 with snow, wind chill 0.  

Nancy left at 0700 for her class at MVP.  It is Wednesday my easy day.  I did my calisthenics routine at 50%.

Dressed warm, put on my ice grabbers and walked to Panera.  No wind so the walk was bearable.  I had an oatmeal breakfast with coffee, banana and bagel.  

This and that:

Today is Ash Wednesday.  The start of the Easter season.  I will not give up anything for Lent this year.

12 States spend less on schools than they did before the recession.  Michigan is one of the states.  Sad!

The White House has refused to turn over security clearance data to a House Committee.  Start of a big fight?

200 stupid Vegans stormed a pig farm in England.  They said they just wanted to cuddle the piglets.  They ended up killing several.  I dislike the food scolds, especially Vegans.  I am an unapologetic lover of meat.

Walked home in a near white out.  Luckily I had the wind at my back.

As soon as I got home I ran two errand.  First stop was Macatawa Bank to get some $2 bills and money for Kim who cleans on Friday.

Next I stopped at Costco.  Bought several 1.5 liter bottles of red wine, skin lotion and eyeglass cleaners.  Costco was not crowded.  No wait.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  The butterfly exhibit starts this week.

After lunch this afternoon I did:
A load of laundry.
Took out the trash and recyclables.
Took a short nap.
Shoveled the driveway.
Put out corn for the deer.
Read a week’s accumulation of mail.
Fixed our daily apple snack.

We had a light dinner followed by Nancy’s cheese and pill snack.  After the news and Jeopardy we watched another episode of Acorn’s London Kills.  We like this show.

Nancy headed to bed and I rewatched a season 1 episode of the Aussie spy thriller Secret City.  I want to get up to speed before starting season 2.  Good show.  

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