Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wednesday March 13, 2019

Wednesday March 13, 2019
Blog time 1130 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  the alarm goes off at 0515.  It was raining and 39 when took Ms P out.

Got dressed and headed downtown in heavy rain.  The freeway was crowded.  Where are these folks going so early?

We had about 20 folks at BC.  The speaker was an engineer at a local electronic manufacturer.  She talked on self driving cars.  She claims a true self driving car will cost near $300,000.  Folks won’t own the cars but use a Uber type system to hail them.  Very interesting.  I won’t see self driving cars in my lifetime.

After BC I drove to the Y.  I did my calisthenics and walked a mile before heading to Panera.

The UK keeps shooting itself in the foot over BRexit.  
The college entrance scandal keeps dominating the news.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  As soon as she gets home we will head to Trinity Lutheran for a soup dinner followed by a Lenten service.  We will then attend the weekly class on searching for the historical Jesus.

Lunch and then my standard Wednesday chores.  Laundry , taking out the trash followed by a nap.

Nancy got home at 1630 and said despite the rain the Gardens was busy.  Folks coming to see the butterflies.  The Butterfly exhibit is inside out of the rain.

We headed to Trinity at 1700.  The soup dinner and Lenten service were well attended.  The class on Looking for the Historical Jesus is getting more interesting.  

Got home from Trinity at 2045.  I watched the final episode of season 1 for Secret City.  Nancy watched about half the show before heading to bed.  

Rain tonight and the temperature will stay in the 40s.  We should lose a lot of snow.

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