Friday, March 1, 2019

Thursday February 28, 2019

Thursday February 28, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Jet lag impacted my sleep last night.  Up at 0530 took Ms P out.  It was 16 but no wind.

I did my calisthenics at home, 50%.  Nancy is going swimming and she said she will do 50% of her normal laps.

This morning I walked to Panera.  The sun was up so the walk was pleasant.  Had an oatmeal breakfast at Panera.

Comments on our recent trip to CA

Traffic is the #1 hassle in CA.

The Grandkids keep growing.  Grandson Lucas is now 5’9”.  That is 2” taller than me.

CA is finally over its drought.  The snowpack is way above average and the reservoirs are full.

Everyday I scanned the papers but nothing much to report on.  The House is going after President Trump.  POTUS is meeting with Kim in Hanoi. The UK is confused on a BRexit plan.  Russia keep threatening.  Etc

We did not watch any Netflix on our trip and survived.  The only TV we did watch was the Academy Awards.  I had not seen any of the movies.

I have been reading David Halberstam’s “The Best and Brightest” about JFK’s staff.  Despite their supposed intelligence they still made stupid mistakes regarding SE Asia.  Always amazed at how dumb smart people are.

As soon as I got home I shaved (head and face) showered and then had lunch.  This afternoon I was busy doing chores like:

Big load of laundry.
Drove to Chowhound and bought a 35# bag of corn.
Stopped at Ace and bought two floodlight for office.
Checked my Ca expenses.
Gathered up more income tax forms.
Made an April 16 appointment with an Urologist.
Took a nap.
Put out corn for deer.
Prepared an apple snack for Bob and Nancy.

We had a very light dinner followed by the dishes and kitchen cleanup.  Watched the news and prepared Nancy’s cheese and pill snack.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Jack Ryan.  We also watched the last minute of the UM/Nebraska game.

Nancy headed to bed.  I watched episode 1 of Netflix’s story of the Ireland’s Easter Rising in 1916.  I lost interest half way through.  Lights out at 2200.

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