Sunday, March 17, 2019

Saturday March 16, 2019

Saturday March 16, 2019

Blog time 1045 at Cascade Library

Nancy took Ms P out early this morning 0545.  I slept in until 0645.  Checked the temperature and it was 28 with 18 mph wind.  Wind chill 20.  Decided it was too cold to walk to Panera.

We got to Panera at 0745 and it was empty.  I had my standard breakfast except I swapped milk for coffee.  One of the regular couples at Panera gave us a pamphlet on a river cruise in northern Portugal.  Nancy had mentioned last week that the river cruise in Portugal was on our bucket list.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I finished yesterday’s blog.  At 0930 we drove to the Cascade Library so Nancy could renew her membership in the “Friends of the Library” group.

At home I put on my warm jacket and walked back to the Cascade Library.  The Library was having a book sale so it was crowded.

Walked home into the wind.  The cold winds are beginning to get to me.

This afternoon
Completed calisthenics.
Showered and then lunch.
Took a short nap.
Fixed apple snack.
At 1700 we headed downtown.
Tonight we are attending the GR Symphony concert.

For dinner we ate at Uccelo’s.  The place was jammed.  Mostly young folks celebrating St Patrick’s Day.  Nancy and I thought we were the oldest folks but then several friends of Nancy’s arrived.  They also were attending the Symphony.

Nancy and I split a 12” ham and pineapple pizza.  It was very good but we left several pieces.  Five years ago I would have eaten the whole pizza.  I am finally coming to grips with the fact that my body is aging. 

We attended the pre concert lecture.  We thought the lecturer was poorly prepared.  Maybe he thought we all knew about the Russian composers, Rachmaninov and Shostakovich.  I sure didn’t.

Full house at the concert.  The pianist who played the Rachmaninov piece got several standing ovations.  Nancy thought he was great.

We did not leave the Symphony until 2230.  Headed straight to bed as soon as we got home.

How about the UM and MSU teams.  Tomorrow it will be an all Michigan final.

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