Monday, March 11, 2019

Sunday March 10, 2019

Sunday March 10, 2019
Blog time 1800 sitting in office

I checked the weather at 0500.  35 with light rain.  It was very windy.  Wind speeds were 35 mph.  The weather service has declared a high wind advisory.

The rain and wind means no Sunday walk today.  I head back to bed and get up at 0700.

I got in my car and headed to Meijer’s for gas.  Bad news! the gas stations computers were down so no gas.  Bummer!

As soon as I got home we drove to Trinity Lutheran.  For the first Sunday of Lent I was surprised that not many folks showed up.  Was it the high winds or DST?

I signed up to work at church on March 23.  The renovation project will be completed and volunteers are needed to move furniture back to the renovated rooms.

We headed straight home to let Ms P out.  We left immediately after to attend a brunch at Moleski’s. 

In addition to Tom and Linda Moleski, the hosts, the guests were Mary Namey, Tim Mask and Bob and Nancy.

Tom and Linda prepared an egg quiche, cheese and eggs in a pastry, French toast and plenty of fruit.  Drinks included Bloody Mary and several champagne like drinks.  All in all a great feast.  We had a great time reminiscing about the 50s and 60s.  I find that as we age we have lost our political passions and would rather talk about more pleasant subjects.  Confrontation is out.

We got home about 1400.  I took a quick nap before fixing our apple snack and putting out corn for the deer.

Speaking of deer, I looked out the window about 0200 this morning and saw five deer fighting over the corn.  The snow cover has limited their ability to get food.  The corn is easy pickings.

We had a light dinner.  I had yogurt with Irish soda bread.  

This evening we watched 60 Minutes and then an episode of Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn before turning in.  Big warmup coming next week.

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