Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tuesday March 5, 2019

Tuesday March 5, 2019
Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy took Ms P out today.  It was snowing, 14 degrees, with wind chills below zero.  

I slept in until 0630 this morning.  Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim at MVP.  After breakfast I drove to the Y.  I did my calisthenics and rowed for six minutes.  I did six minutes yesterday with no hip pain.  I like rowing because it elevates my heart rate.

The weather dominates all conversation at both the Y and Panera.  Right now it is 14 with -2 wind chill but the sun is breaking through.  Sun trumps everything.

This afternoon I have an appointment with my neurologist, Dr Santos.  This is a six months check on my Myasthenia Gravis.  The medicine I am taking is working.  I have to increase and decrease my dosage as certain conditions change.  Lately I have not experienced any double vision but have been having trouble with the muscles in my mouth.  Slurring my words is the most noticeable trait.  

This and that:

It looks like Congress will deny POTUS funding for his wall.  Good news!

More good news:  Stem cell procedures have cured folks with HIV.  Maybe the same procedure can be used to cure Type 1 diabetes.

The Democrats are going full blast after the President and his families finances.  

Michigan Governor Whitmer has proposed a $0.45 gas tax increase.  I think we need an increase but $0.45 might be unattainable.  How about $0.25.

After a quick lunch I headed out to run errands before my 1600 Doctor’s appointment.  First stop was the Apple Store in Woodland Mall.  My laptop crashed but a nice young lady at the store got my laptop up and running.  

My next stop was Fitzgerald’s.  They are having their Spring sale and I had a $50 coupon.  Bought a pair of moccasins and pants.

Arrived at the Doctor’s office at the appointed hour, 1600.  Of course had to wait 30 minutes before seeing the Doctor.  Spent some time with the Doctor discussing my slurred speech problem.  We came up with a plan for scheduling my medication.  

At home I put our corn for the deer.  No time today for an apple snack.  Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner.  Love beans and rice.

Dishes and then fixed Nancy’s cheese and pill snack before settling down with a glass of wine to watch some TV.

We watched NCIS and then the final episode, season 1, of The Marvelous Mrs Maisel.  Nancy loves this show I am lukewarm.

It was 14 and snowing when took Ms P out.  Another cold day tomorrow and then a warmup.

Speaking of weather, yesterday on my Mother’s Birthday I called my sister in Tucson.  The temp in GR was 16 vs low 80s in AZ.  Bummer.

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