Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tuesday June 30, 2015

Today is a swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy left at 0700 and I stayed home and did my calisthenics. The weather folks said we would have thunder showers on and off all day. The painters started working on the condo about 0800. It was not raining when I left at 0830. Not wanting to get caught in a thunder storm I drove to Panera. Still no rain when I got to MVP. Today I swam in the outdoor pool. I got five laps in when the thunder started. They closed the pool. I showered and stopped at Starbuck to finish reading the WSJ. Greece dominated the news. I needed to get my 30 minutes outside so I put a raincoat in my pack and headed out. It started to rain again about 30 minutes into my walk. I put on the raincoat and finished my walk, 3 miles. The painters called it a day about 1100. After lunch I took a short nap. Tonight we are going to Nancy's friend Kathi's for dinner. Today is Kathi's birthday. Stay tuned. Dinner was great. Kathi invited her brother and two friends, Cindy Mather and Bev Johnson. Bev Johnson has lived at the corner of Gladstone and Alexander for years. Her house was Debbie and Missy's paper route. Debbie dog sat for her. She remembers Debbie and vice versa. We had plenty of wine and a great meal topped off with a cheese cake Bev Johnson made. I had to be polite so I had a piece. It was great. The weather broke so we sat outside to drink our wine and eat cheese. Don't you love summer.

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