Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Tuesday is a swim day for Bob and Nancy.  It was raining when we got up and the weather folks say it will rain all morning until early afternoon.  They were right.  I drove the Cobalt to Panera had coffee read the WSJ and then drove to MVP.  The pool was very crowded today.  I had to share a lane.  Nancy said the pool has been crowded this week because MVP’s Rockford pool is closed for repairs.  

On my way home I stopped at MC Sporting Goods and bought a fishing license.  Also bought a swim suit and nose plug.  About noon the rain stopped so I took a short walk before lunch.  

This evening Nancy and I are working the Tuesday night concert at the Gardens.  The Tuesday concerts feature local talent and are free to members.  We arrived at 0430.  Nancy was selling tickets and my job was to take tickets.  It was the first Tuesday concert of the year and they had about 1500 folks in attendance.  I was on my feet from 1700 to 2000.  Like at all concerts we are allowed to bring our chairs and listen to the concert after work.  We did this for Sunday’s Doobie Brothers concert and last night.  Nancy fixed a picnic and after my work I bought a beer,sat down, ate a sandwich and listened to the concert.  A great way to spend a nice summer’s evening.

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