Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wednesday July 15, 2015

It was great night for sleeping, temps in the 50s. If fact it was so great slept in until 0800. Today is my easy Wednesday so no calisthenics. Had breakfast at Panera, oatmeal, bagel and banana. The Iran deal dominated the WSJ. I don't think that the agreement is perfect but I have not heard any good alternative. All the other nations that were party to the negotiations have approved. I think we should approve. I stopped at home to leave my ipad and then took a bike ride. Stopped at the bank to get some money and transfer our lock box from the Burton branch to Cascade. Also stopped at Cascade Twp to see what to do about yard waste disposal. The Twp does not have a summer pickup. I think I will buy a compost bin. It was a perfect day for a bike ride. I rode about 16 miles. After lunch and a shower I took a short nap. Tomorrow is trash and recycle day so I spent some time gathering all the trash. Spent the rest of the afternoon running errands. I stopped at Ace and checked out their chipmunk traps. They sold the same type trap that we found in the garage. I read the instructions so I know how to make our trap work. I bought a short hose and nozzle. Next stop was D&W and bought some sour dough bread. Finally I headed to Bed, Bath etc. I bought a small waste basket. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy. Had a light dinner and then baited the trap and set it out. We still have not solved our printer problems. Watched Midsomer Murders on netflix. It is now 2239 and I am watching the Pan Am Games. It is 63 another great night for sleeping.

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