Saturday, July 4, 2015

Friday July 3, 2015

With the fourth on Saturday today is the holiday for most offices. I think if you work today you should get overtime. I was lazy this morning but did get the calisthenics done. Put the bike on the cobalt and made a stop at Panera. I was surprised that the WSJ was published today. The morning business shows on Bloomberg and CNBC were not on because the stock market is closed. Panera was crowded with a lot of families on holiday. Peggy Noonan wrote an interesting op-ed in the WSJ. SCOUS's recent opinions have stirred up a lot of folks. I happen to think the founding fathers had a great idea when they created SCOUS. Conflict resolution is an important part of every organization. I was going to ride the Muskatawa Trail today but I figured it would be too busy so I drove home and biked my #2 route. I rode 16 miles. After lunch I went to Costco and bought wine and cheese. Nancy grilled chicken thighs and vegetables for dinner. Also had a sweet potato. Great meal. Low 5os this morning but the sun warmed things up to 81. Great summer day. It is now 2200 and we are watching a Tom Thorne movie. Tom Thorne gets a D+. Tomorrow we are getting up early to attend the Holly Hock Lane Parade.

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