Friday, July 31, 2015

Thursday July 30,2015

Thursday is Nancy's swim day so she is out of the house at 0715. After the calisthenics I ate breakfast and started the WSJ. Nancy got home at 0900 and I got on my bike and took a 12 mile ride. We have a lot construction on the local roads so I have had to modify my routes. Today was another warm summer day. We have not had any rain in the past week. Nancy and AJ were shopping when I got home. I showered and then walked over the Panera for coffee. WSJ had many interesting articles. It took me over 90 minutes to read. Had a quick lunch and then headed downtown to meet with my neuro ophtalmologist. He checked out my eyes and asked about how my medication is working. I told him everything seemed to be working ok. He lectured me on warning signs for changes in my myasthenia gravis. I asked about our upcoming travels and he said traveling should not be a problem. He recommended I get a med-alert bracelet. The medicine I am taking does not play well with some antibiotics. I see him in six months. As soon as I got home I had AJ put on her swim suit. We headed to Millennium Park. We spent about 45 minutes fishing and then we headed to the beach and AJ went swimming for another 45 minutes. AJ was full of sand so Nancy gave her a bath. We also gave Ms P a bath. For dinner tonight we ate at the Red Olive. Tonight I looked out the window and saw two deer, one doe and a buck with two spikes. I did take a short walk tonight. We watched some TV before turning in.

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