Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday July 27, 2015

I set the alarm at 0645 for Nancy but she was already up. She headed to MVP and I stayed home for the calisthenics. Expected AJ to sleep until after 0900, however, she was up and dressed by 0830. For breakfast she had Fruit Loops and three pieces of cinnamon toast. Nancy got home at 0930. The temperature today is supposed to get to 90 so I wanted to get my bike ride in early. I did the standard 15 mile ride. HP gave us a new printer after they found a flaw in our existing printer. We got the new printer last Friday and as part of the deal I had to return the old printer within a week. I packaged the printer and delivered it to FedEx. This afternoon we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Zoo. Despite the 90 degree heat the place was jammed with families. They have made a lot of improvements since last year. The Zoo is a great community asset. We had a light dinner. Tonight we let AJ watch a netflix show. I tried to get netflix on my ipad but could not remember my password. We let her watch on our big TV. We watched a TNT show, Major Crimes, on our kitchen TV. It is now 2200 and I am to only one awake. Watching a show on TNT. The summer is going to fast.

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