Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sunday July 12, 2015

Sunday July 12, 2015

Swim day for Bob and Nancy, up at 0645 and load the Taurus.  The pool has been so busy on Sundays that I put on my suit at home and wear easy off clothes.  I am in the shower and ready to swim in three minutes.  No need for speed today because Nancy and I had the pool to ourselves.  I swam my 30 minutes about 18 laps using the breast stroke.  Nancy swam 25 laps.  

Gas was $2.69 at Meijer’s today.   It is that time of year for locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables.  Nancy loaded up.  For breakfast we had Nancy’s world famous poached eggs on a waffle.  I read the funnies and then took a nap.  

Our doctor recommended some pills to take on our African trip.  Meijer’s called and said our pills were ready for pickup.  I walked over to the store and picked them up.  Did you know that Meijer’s does not charge for some common antibiotics?

It is now 1716 and I am sitting in my office writing this blog.  At 1730 I will turn the grill on so Nancy can cook the burgers and corn.  

Must spend some time on the computer because I ordered a book from Apple and I got the Spanish version.  I got instructions from Apple on how to make the conversion.  I also have to get our printer working.  I bought a new ink cartridge but no luck so I will probably has to spend some time online finding out a fix.

On this date in 1927:  My Grandmother Hughes was in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Yesterday she saw the King and Queen arrive and visited some historical site around Edinburgh.  Today she saw the changing of the guard at Holyrood Palace.

On this date in 1938:  My Great grandfather Sanborn worked in his garden in the AM and drove his Grand daughter and friend into Alpena for a hair cut.  He bought chicken feed and other supplies.  I write about my GGF because he is a role model.  An active 83 is what I hope for.

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