Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday July 25, 2015

Saturday July 25, 2015 It looked like another hot humid day at 0700. No rain in sight which is good. Had a quick breakfast at Panera. I took time to read the WSJ but did not find much of interest to comment on. I think Saturday is an easy day for reporters. When I got home I talked AJ into a bike riding lesson. We walked down to an empty parking lot and spent about 30 minutes getting the hang of riding. I was really sweating when we finished. It was beginning to look like rain so I chose to take a walk instead of a bike ride. I walked for 1h10'. I know the time because I used the stopwatch on my iphone. Showered and then had a quick lunch. At 1330 AJ and I got in the Taurus and headed to Celebration Cinema. We saw the Minnions. We both liked the show. I was surprised how much a ticket cost for AJ. $8.50 is a little pricey for a child's ticket. In 1948 a ticket for anyone under 12 was $0.12. When I turned 12 the price went up to $0.25. For dinner tonight we headed to Vitale's in Ada. We ordered a large ham and pineapple pizza. It was good. It is now 2150 and we are watching "Miss Fisher" on netflix. Tomorrow will be another hot humid day with high temp of 90. Isn't Summer great!

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