Sunday, July 5, 2015

Saturday July 4, 2015

Another fourth of July in MI and today it was a typical 4th weather wise, warm and sunny.  It is now 1325 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog.  Nancy just woke me.  I fell asleep writing this blog.  If I fall asleep the blogs must really be boring.  In my 77 years I have spent 11 fourths outside MI.  As a boy we spent the fourth having a family picnic at my Grandparent Scott's farm at Hubbard Lake.  We spent the day pitching horseshoes, shooting clay pigeons and of course eating.  My Dad and Uncles usually made ice cream.  Fond memories.  When I was about ten the City of Alpena started having fireworks so we left Hubbard Lake about 1900 and headed into town.

Today Nancy and I got up at 0645 and headed to our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills.  We attended the 53rd Holly Hock Lane parade.  I took a picture of all the kids with their decorated bikes and sent it to our kids asking if it brought back memories.  We met a lot of old neighbors.  OHN looks great.  After the parade we stopped at the Brandywine and had breakfast.  Not an original idea because the place was crowded.

We stopped at home picked up Ms P and took a ride around our new neighborhood.  We explored some Cascade Parks and also looked for a horse riding stable that might give lessons.  We also stopped at Home Depot to see if they had any reclining deck chairs.  They did not.

Tonight we are going to Tom Appel's cottage on Bostwich Lake to watch fireworks.  Stay tuned.

Tom had a good turnout for his fireworks party.  Plenty of food and beer.  Nancy and I sat next to the Vines whose twin daughters were in Steve's class.  We also talked to Jim Walters who taught at OHHS.  Jim was a good friend of Rick Jensen, a fellow teacher, who is now in prison for murder. I liked Rich even though he committed this terrible crime.  Rick was OHHS hockey coach and I thought he did a good job.  Rick's son Jim was also a T1D and he watched out for Steve.  Jim said that Rick has been a model prisoner but he will never get out.

Tom Appel is also going to Cape Town, SA this fall.  In 2014 he also visited the four stans.  Nancy and I have only visited one stan.

The fire works did not start until 2230.  It was worth the wait.  Another great fourth, Happy Birthday: USA.

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