Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday July 26, 2015

It is now 1940 and I am sitting on our deck drinking wine and writing this blog. We had another hot humid summer day. The present temperature is 82. Sun will go down at 2109. I would describe today as an easy day. The alarm went off this morning at 0645. It is swim day but today I volunteered to stay home wit h AJ. Nancy headed out alone and I went back to bed. I really did not want to go swimming. At 0915 I got AJ up just as Nancy walked in the door. We all got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $2.41. Nancy loaded up on fresh fruit. For breakfast today Nancy fixed bacon and her world famous fried eggs. After reading some of the GRP I got in the cobalt and headed to Batteries Plus. Needed a new battery for our garage door opener. I spent some time setting up our new printer. I also packaged our old printer to send back to HP. The instructions told me to refer to an enclosed manual. The manual was left out of the package. I had to go online. I did find out that the printer will work with my Macbook Air but not with Nancy's Mac. I will have to upgraded her system. I got so frustrated looking for the missing manual that I decided I needed a break. I took an eighty minute walk. AJ was tired today so we did not push her to go fishing or for a bike ride. I did get out the rod and reel and practiced casting. I think the way I put the rod and reel together that it works for a lefty like me. I will have to stop by Gander Mountain and have them show me how to make it work for a righty. Nancy grilled chicken and corn for dinner tonight. It was great. After dinner AJ, Ms P and I took a walk to nearby ponds. We were looking for frogs and we saw some big ones. Ms P's knee seems to be healing. Tonight she walked on all four legs. Missy facetimed AJ tonight. Right now AJ is watching a show that Nancy had recorded last week. I don't want July to end.

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