Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday July 20, 2015

Monday morning and we got up at our normal 0645. I headed downstairs and remembered AJ and Missy were sleeping downstairs. I closed the doors and quietly did my calisthenics. I was done by 0800. I had breakfast, and read most of the WSJ before anyone stirred. We walked over the Panera. AJ did not want a pastry so she ate a turkey sandwich. Missy had a mocha and pastry. At 1030 Nancy picked up AJ and they headed to the outdoor pool at MVP. Missy and I walked home and then got in the Cobalt and drove to the Ada Bike Store. She talked to the manager about selling her bike gloves. Our next stop was "Play It Again" used sports store. We looked a kids bikes but did not buy any. I really like my bike knickers but my recent weight loss has made last years knickers much too big. I put the two pair in my backpack and biked to the Tailor Shop near our condo. They were closed, so I biked home and ate lunch. After lunch I took my knickers to Mr Thanh on Giddings near our old home. They will have the work done by Friday. After some thought I stopped by Play It Again and bought a bike. Spent some time finishing the WSJ and then took a 40 minute walk. For dinner tonight we went to Olga's in Gaslight Village. It is now 2001 and I am sitting on the deck, drinking wine and writing this blog. The temperature got to 81 today but now it is a pleasant 75. Nancy is giving AJ a bath. This is Missy's last night. She leaves at 0600 tomorrow. I got my 30' in today I hope you did too.

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