Saturday, July 18, 2015

Friday July 17, 2015

We had heavy rain last night. This morning was hot and muggy. After the at home stuff I pedaled to Panera. Iran and Greece still dominates the WSJ news. The cable news this morning spent a lot of time on Donald Trump but the WSJ barely mentioned him. I just can not get Trump's message. I would never vote for him. However, I would vote for the Iran nuke deal. The USA is not the sole participant in these talks. France, Germany and the UK our good allies have also approved the deal. It was really hot and muggy on my ride this morning. I had to stop and remove a layer. I rode about 15 miles. As soon as I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Macatawa Bank. We opened a new safe deposit box. Kim came today and cleaned the house. It looks great. AJ and Missy arrive tomorrow night. I moved all my stuff up stairs. We turned the AC on today. The high temperature today was 86 and tomorrow it should reach 90. The warmest two days of the year. I don't like AC so I spent some time reading on our deck. I feel asleep so I came inside and took a short nap. I recently bought a rod and reel for AJ. This afternoon I started to put it together. I am a complete klutz. I have the line all tangled. For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at J&T Pizza. It is about 0.5 miles from the condo. The place is a neighborhood restaurant. Nancy and I gave it a B+. It will be a netflix evening.

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