Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday July 24, 2015

Slept in until 0700 and slowly did the at home stuff. Nancy headed to MVP for her healthy lifestyle class. I was prepared to fix waffles for AJ but she was still sleeping at 0915. She finally woke up when Nancy walked in. Nancy fixed her a waffle and cinnamon sugar toast. I put on my bike riding clothes and took off on a 15 mile ride. This afternoon Nancy and AJ spent the afternoon at Kathi's. Kathi invited a neighbor and her two grandchildren over. The kids spent four hours in the pool. Kathi fixed hot dogs, chips and watermelon for everyone. They got home at 1730. I spent most of the afternoon running errands. I stopped at the credit union to get money for our CA trip, at the USPO I picked some stop mail forms. I stopped at the tailor to pick up two pair of knickers that I had altered. At Kohl's I bought undershirts. I am in the market for a pair of well vented shoes so I stopped at Gazelle. No luck. Final stop at Gander Mountain. I bought a sinker. AJ and I can now practice casting. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. It was great. We are spending a quiet evening at home watching TV. Missy face timed AJ this evening.

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