Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday July 31, 2015

The last day of July already. It has been a great summer, plenty of sunshine and warm weather. A great bike riding summer. Today was no exception. Nancy headed out early to MVP. When she got home I headed to Panera. Had coffee and read the WSJ. After coffee I got on the bike and headed to Meijer's. I turned in some winning lottery tickets. I won $205, took my money and finished my ride. After a shower and quick lunch we got in the Taurus and headed to the Ottawa County Fair in Holland. We walked the animal barns and then bought tickets to the rides. AJ slid down the slide, twice. She wanted to ride the Tilt-A-Whirl but needed an adult. I rode with her and found out that old guys should not get jerked around. I was dizzy and nauseous. However, being a good guy I went on a second ride with same results. My days of midway rides has ended. Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner. It was great. Nancy and I watched the last episode of Death in Paradise. She is now putting AJ to bed and I am going to watch a western. I hope everyone is getting their 30 minutes in each day.

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