Saturday, July 11, 2015

Friday July 10, 2015

We got up with the sun and birds this morning.  Nancy to MVP and I stayed and did the calisthenics.  Breakfast and then put the bike on the Cobalt.  Stopped at Panera for coffee.  I am rapidly losing interest in Iran and Greece.  With the up and down gyrations of the stock market based on what happens in Greece or China does not make sense.  Maybe I should assume the people buying and selling stocks are ninnies.

After coffee I headed to Millennium Park.  Today I stopped at both the boat house and swim pavilion to check on hours and prices.  Both places are open during daylight hours and the prices are very reasonable.  The water temperature today was 71 which is ideal for a hot summer day.  If I rent a canoe I can also buy worms for fishing.   They also have a lot of fishing platforms throughout the park.  I expect to spend several days at the Park when AJ comes in several weeks.  I pedaled 19 miles today.  It was a great day for a ride, sunny with temps in mid 70s.

Got home about 1300, showered and had lunch.  It is now 1549 and I am sitting on the deck writing this blog.  This morning the wrought iron deck rail was painted.  This was the last area that needed painting.  Our entire condo (outside) has been painted this year.  Next scheduled painting is in 2020.

We had dinner at Sundance Grill, sat outside. Nancy had scrambled eggs and ham and I had a salad.  Very relaxing.  Ran errands after dinner.  Bought ice cream at Meijer's and headed home to get in reefer before it melts.  Picked up Ms P and stopped at the Hallmark Store, D&W and Walmart.  Finished the evening watching Midsomer Murder's on netflix.

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