Sunday, July 19, 2015

Saturday July 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Stephen Patton Scott, b 07/18/73, I remember the day of his birthday well. A beautiful July day in GR. Have a great birthday STEVE! The weather folks said today would be hot and humid, high expected to reach 90. I got up at 0645 and decided to get my bike ride done before the heat set in. I rode to Seidman Park. The ride to Seidman is along paved trails and is very scenic. It takes a little over 2 hour to make the trip. As soon as I got home I looked at the sky and said thunder showers are on the way. It quickly turned pitch black and then it poured for about 40 minutes. It was still pouring when I got in the Cobalt and headed to Panera. This morning I had oatmeal, bagel, banana and coffee for breakfast. I read several stories on the shooting in TN. It is sad but I don't know how to prevent it, short of becoming a police state. On my way home I stopped at Walgreen and bought some lotion with sun protection and alcohol free mouth wash. Nancy informed me as soon as I got home that our DirectTV bill had gone up $100 a month. Nancy had called but she wanted me to follow up. I spent over an hour on the phone but finally got our bill lowered to our present monthly payment. We do not have as many channels but we never watch the channels we lost. I spent some time getting the new fishing pole rigged. The line is so fine that I cannot see it except under a bright light. Nancy had to help me tie the gizmo to the line. The pole is made for right handed folks so I really don't know how a left handed person should use it. I will have to stop at Gander Mountain and get some advice. Finally our final problem is the HP printer. I put new ink cartridges in this week and now it won't print. Nancy called earlier today and got a work order number. I followed up and spent over an hour talking to a HP rep. I kept getting transferred. Finally they took my number and said I would get a call back. Several hours later I did get a call back. They are sending me a new printer. Nancy and I left for the airport at 1930. Missy and AJ are flying in a little after 2000. I let Nancy off at the terminal and I headed to the cell phone lot. Their plane arrived on time. It was great seeing Missy and AJ. Nancy fixed them sloppy joes for dinner. We talked until 2230 and then headed to bed. A busy summer's day.

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