Thursday, July 9, 2015

Wednesday July 8, 2015

Wednesday July 8, 2015: Blog # 2,111

Breakfast Club Wednesday:  Up at 0546 and headed out to the Women’s City Club in GR.  The freeway was especially busy this morning for so early.  I do not know why.  We had a good turnout this morning.  

The speaker today was the Principal of San Juan Diego Academy a Catholic school serving the Latino community in SW GR.  It has 175 students, grades K-8.  It is a true success story.  The BC member who introduced the Principal this morning was my old boss Dave Despres.  Dave and his wife Helene are big supporters of the school.  It was an uplifting program.  After listening to this program all the BC members would have voted Donald Trump jerk of the year.

I stopped at Meijer’s on my way home to buy apples.  This time of year our apples are from Chile.  Also stopped at Panera for coffee and the WSJ.  Greece still dominates the news although I did catch up on the Iran nuke negotiations and problems in Yemen and Syria.  As soon as I got home I put on the bike clothes and took a 15 mile ride.

This evening Nancy has book club at the Moleski’s.  We are driving together because the Pizza place, Fred’s, is close.  I will hang out with Tom Moleski until the meeting is over.  Nancy and I are doing our part reducing carbon.

How about the stock market mess.  They say it was a technical issue but I am sure a lot of folks might not agree.  We love our tech but it has problems of its own.

Nancy and I left for Moleski’s at 1630.  Tom drove me to Fred’s and we found out that Fred’s was closed for vacation.  We then drove to Tom’s about four buildings south.  Tom’s is no more just a beer joint.  We ended up at Charlie’s.  Charlie’s was crowded.  Tom and I had their smelt basket and Ed had a burger.  We all gave the place an A-.  Tom and I watched some TV while waiting for Book Club to end.  We were home by 2200.

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