Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday July 22, 2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday, so up at 0545 and head downtown. We had a very small turnout. Today's speaker was GR's Police Chief. He talked about the pros and cons of body cameras on police officers. GR has done a great job exploring all the issues. It was a very interesting talk. GR presently has eight officers wearing cameras but expect by December the entire force will wear the cameras. GR has 200 officers. On my way home I stopped at Panera for a chance to read the WSJ. Nancy and AJ were visiting the Cascade Library this morning. They checked out several books. At home I spent some time getting our fishing gear ready. This afternoon AJ and I are going fishing at Millennium Park. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. We left for the Park at 1200. I was surprised at how crowded the park was. We rented a canoe and bought some worms. I paddled to the edge of the lake, baited the hook and dropped a line. The water was clear and shallow and AJ could see small fish nibbling at the worm. The fish must be smart because they ate five worms and we did not catch a fish. Maybe I did not bait the hook properly. We spent a hour fishing and paddling around the lake. Actually the lake is a played out gravel pit. After we turned in the canoe we headed to the Splash Pad so AJ could play in the water spray. Next we headed to the beach. It is a nice sand beach. The water was warm and AJ swam for about an hour. On the ride home AJ fell asleep. We got home the same time as Nancy. We had a light dinner. Nancy and I watched the news and netflix and AJ watched Frozen. Missy facetimed AJ this evening. It is now 2100 and Nancy is trying to get AJ to bed. AJ said she can not go to bed because the sun is out. Nancy tried to tell AJ that Sunset in LA is an hour earlier. I don't think Nancy can win the argument.

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