Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tueday July 21, 2015

The alarm goes off at 0430. This morning I am driving Missy to the airport so she can make her 0600 flight to LA. Missy was already up and waiting for me. I was surprised at all the traffic going to the airport. It was such a nice morning I had a strong urge to just drive to LA. I had the same feeling in 2007 when I drove Nancy to the airport for her trip to LB to visit Steve and family. I got home from the airport packed a bag and headed to LA. A great trip. My bucket list includes one more drive to CA. I was home by 0600 and jumped back in bed. We got up at 0700. Nancy headed to MVP for her Tuesday swim. I did the at home stuff. This morning AJ slept in until 0830. I fixed her a bowl of cheerios. Nancy got home about 0900. She made an appointment for AJ and herself to get a pedicure. I got on my bike and took a 14 mile ride. A great day for a bike ride. Nancy and AJ left at 1230 to go to Kathi's. They are going swimming in Kathi's pool. I left at 1300 and headed to the dentist. I got a cleaning and the dentist checked my gums, etc. At 1430 I took a short nap. Nancy and AJ got home at 1600. They had a great time. I finished the afternoon with a 50' walk. Nancy fixed scrambled eggs and bacon for dinner. It was well received. Missy facetimed AJ this evening. AJ is watching Sleeping Beauty and we are watching a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 we are grabbing a net and going to chase fireflies.

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