Monday, July 20, 2015

Sunday July 19, 2015

Sunday morning and following our normal schedule Nancy and I were up at 0645. Today is our swim day. Nancy was surprised that AJ was up and dressed. Must be jet lag. It must be vacation time for MVP members because the pool was empty this morning. I swam my 30' and Nancy did 25 laps, 1250 meters. We came right home and picked up AJ before heading to Meijer's. Gas was $2.65. Nancy loaded up on fruit and bought AJ a chocolate donut. On the way home we saw a turtle struggling to cross the road. AJ and I picked it up and put it near it's pond. Nancy fixed a quiche for breakfast. We sat on our deck and enjoyed the day. It was a sunny and warm day, mid 80s. We did turn the AC on. After breakfast I drove to Gander Mountain and bought a bamboo fishing pole for AJ. The salesman showed me how to convert the pole I recently bought to left handed operation. It is an easy day at the condo. We all reclined at some time. After my nap AJ, Nancy and I walked to ponds in our back yard to see if we could catch a frog. Plenty of frogs but no luck catching one. It is now 1624 and I am writing this blog on our deck. In several minutes I will fire up the grill so Nancy can grill a pork loin. Stay tuned! Turned on the grill and then took a two mile walk. Had to get my 30 in. The pork was great as were the grilled vegetables. After dinner AJ and Nancy were watching a movie. AJ wanted to sit on Nancy's lap. She immediately fell into a deep sleep. Jet lag has finally caught up. Read the GRP and watched some TV before turning in. Summer is great!

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