Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tuesday July 28, 2015

Today is swim day. Nancy left at 0700 and I stayed home and did the calisthenics. AJ slept in until 0900 just as Nancy arrived home. Today was another very hot humid day with a high temperature of 93. I wanted to get my bike ride in before it really got hot. I started at 0930 and rode 15 miles. After the ride I showered and then walked to Panera. I drank a lot of coffee and read the WSJ. It appears that Greece will stay in the EU. Our ally Turkey has enter the Syria fray but they are hostile to another ally the Kurds. It is too complicated for the American way of solving problems. I still maintain that we should not be involved in the Middle East. Although I consider myself a nominal Republican I can not agree with the far right fringe. We need a third party. Sen Cruz, Donald Trump and all the other anti-government types can have the GOP. Another article pointed out that US Corporations that move to another country for tax reasons are finding out that some of the rules of the new country make doing business more complicated than in the USA. Let me continue my rant about the GOP. The Fed GOP elected officials are bad but Michigan's Republicans are worse. They don't have the guts to raise the gas tax to repair roads. Everyone agrees we need more money for roads. I really like out Governor but he has more problems with his own party than with the Democrats. On a happier note Nancy's friend Kathi called and invited Nancy and AJ over for a swim. How can you refuse that invitation on a 93 degree day? I told Nancy that I would stay home and try and get the new printer working, figure out how to get netflix on our ipads and get data on trip insurance for our African trip. Guess what I was successful on all three issues. The printer was easy after I called Debbie. She said that all I had to do was use the panel on the printer. She was right. The printer wizard solved all my problems. I can print from our MAC machines and also our ipads. My netflix problem was caused by me putting the wrong email address in my password lockbox. I played around and finally got the right combination. I put the correct data in the password box. I called our travel agent about insurance. She gave me some good advice. Went online and got a quote that I thought was reasonable. All in all a good afternoon. Nancy grilled brats, hot dogs and corn for dinner. It was great. After dinner we drove to Walmart and got some cereal for AJ. AJ watched a show on netflix using Nancy's ipad and we watched a show on TNT.

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