Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Tuesday July 14, 2015

Thunder storms rolled through last night. Ms P went bananas so I took her to the downstairs bedroom, turned on a light and music on my itouch. Ms P went to sleep after 30 minutes. Slept in until 0715 this morning. After calisthenics I got on the bike and took a 15 mile ride. I encountered sprinkle on my ride. In fact we had off and on showers all day. Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop today. She got a summer trim and it looks cool. I have been trying to get our printer to work. The printer has four cartridges. I only want to use black but the HP guy told me that all cartridges must be full in order for the printer to work. I drove to Staples and bought a cartridge package for the printer. I replaced all four cartridges. It still did not print. I will continue working on the printer tomorrow. Stay Tuned! Tonight Nancy and I had to work the concert at Meijer's. We left home at 1620 and started working at 1700. Nancy sold tickets and I took tickets. We finished at 1800 and then sat down and ate a picnic meal and listened to the concert.

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