Saturday, July 4, 2015

Thursday July 2, 2015

Got up early today, 0603, because today is a swim day. No matter how early I get up I still leave the condo at 0830. Pedaled to Panera for coffee. Left Panera at 0930. I was surprised that the pool was nearly empty. I swam my 3 0 minutes using the breast stroke. Took a longer route home. My bike miles today was 12. Kim was still cleaning when I got home so I took a two mile walk. Nancy and I spent about an hour talking to the safari folks about flights to South Africa. We finally got the flights we needed. I had to call the credit card company to get my credit limit raised so I could pay for the tickets. Visa took about 10 minutes to raise the limits. We bought the tickets. Leaving September 2 for JoBurg. Took a short nap and then Nancy and I got ready for dinner. We are meeting the Moleski's, Namey's and Tim Mask at St Georges Hall on the west side for burgers. St Georges has a hamburg night open to the public every Thursday night. I had a burger and sauerkraut. It was great. We got home about 2000 and watched two netflix shows. Today was a nice summer's day. Sunny and cool this morning but it is now 2200 and the temperature is 63. Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny with high of 81. Look forward to it.

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