Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saturday August 1, 2015

Slept in until 0730 this morning. Nobody wanted to go out to breakfast so I walked to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I took the long walk home. AJ was finishing breakfast so I talked her into another bike riding lesson. We spent 30 minutes practicing. Every day in every way she is getting better and better. Today was another sunny warm summer's day. We have had a great run of nice weather. Late morning: I ran some errands: stopped at D&W to mail package of birthday gifts to my sister and brother-in-law. August is birthday month. Next stop is ACE Hardware: bought bird seed and a chipmunk trap. Bought gas at Meijer's, $2.59 per gallon. At MC Sporting Goods bought a swim suit and finally at Russo's bought a waiter's wine bottle opener. I bent a shepard's crook and attached it to the deck rail so the hook is suspended over the rail. I attached our bird feeder to the hook. I will oil the crook so squirrels cannot reach the feeder. After lunch I strapped on my GPS and took a walk. I walked 3.75 miles in 1h10'. Showered and then had a beer sitting on the deck and reading on the kindle. Life is good. Feel asleep and my phone woke me up. It was Missy facetiming AJ. For dinner we ate at IHOP. I had a short stack with eggs. Nancy had eggs and toast and AJ had chocolate chip pancakes. We all watched TV to finish the evening.

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