Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday August 23, 2015

Sunday so it must be swim day. Up at 0645 to get ready for our trip to MVP. The sun was out and it was very pleasant. The pool was not crowded today. I swam 30 minutes and Nancy did a mile. Gas today at Meijer's was $2.94. I guess the high price is because of the shutdown of a refinery that services MI. Today's purchases were primarily fresh fruits and vegetables. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs today. I had mine on a waffle. We finished breakfast about 1100 and the weather folks are predicting rain for around 1300. I tried to take Ms P on a walk before the rain but she refused so I took a quick 2 mile walk. I got home just in time. It rained hard most of the afternoon. I took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I ran some errands. Bought bird feed and drain cleaner at ACE Hardware, stopped at Meijer's and got some lotion, shaving cream and a tooth brush for our trip. Next stop was the battery store where I purchased batteries for my HP calculator. Finally I stopped at MC and Gazelle looking for walking shoes. No luck. Missy face timed us this afternoon. She and AJ are staying in a hotel while the water damage to her condo is being repaired. The lady in the condo upstairs left water running and it seeped down into Missy's condo. Glad she has insurance. Yesterday I gave Debbie a quick call to see how her trip to Australia and Japan went. She had been home just a short time when I called. She said the trip went fine. The rain has stopped so I fired up the grill. Nancy is grilling brats and corn on the cob. Tonight we will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

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