Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thursday August 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Nancy: Yes folks today is the birthday of my wife of 50 years. Happy Birthday Nancy! Despite the birthday Nancy still follows her normal schedule. She left home at 0700 for her swim at MVP. She swam a mile. I also followed my normal schedule of calisthenics and breakfast followed by a quick bike ride to Panera. Had my coffee and read the WSJ. After I got on the bike and took a 15 mile ride. It was in the high 50s when I pedaled to Panera but it was near 70 when I finished my ride. I took Ms P on a long walk. She is energized by the cooler weather. Had lunch and then finished reading the WSJ on the deck. I fell asleep reading so I decided to take a quick nap. After the nap I spent some time typing up our African schedule and emailing to the kids. At 1800 Nancy and I walked to Leo's a new restaurant near the condo. Leo's is a Detroit area restaurant noted for its Coney Islands. Nancy's friend Kathi joined us. We all gave Leo's a C. All the kids called Nancy today to wish Nancy a Happy Birthday.

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