Friday, August 21, 2015

Thursday August 20, 2015

Swim day for Nancy but I slept in until 0700. Did the calisthenics, had breakfast, put on the bike riding clothes and walked out into a rain shower. Bummer! Changed clothes and drove to Panera. After Panera drove to Woodland Mall to look for walking shoes. Tried on four pairs at Track and Trails. No luck. Got home in time to change clothes and get ready for our meeting with financial advisor at Wells Fargo. We met for almost 90 minutes. Bottom line we are not yet broke. As soon as we got home I had lunch and then took a 60 minute walk. Called plumber and he is coming tomorrow morning to clean line. We had a light dinner and after the news we watched Midsomer Murder on netflix. It is now 2158 and I am watching the Lions preseason game. It seems early for football but high schools started practice last week. We had intermittent rain all day. The temperature never reached 70. Warm up starts tomorrow.

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