Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tuesday August 25, 2015

Up at 0645, I head downstairs and Nancy goes to the pool. Today is suppose to be cloudy all day with temps in the high 50s. I bundled up and headed out for my morning bike ride. It was raining. My iphone weather app said cloudy but no rain. It was wrong. I put on my raincoat and walked to Panera. Today's WSJ had many articles on the stock market. Surprised! After Panera I took the 2 mile route home. Tried to get the bike out but it started to rain. Put on raincoat and took a walking tour of the neighborhood. Stopped at Macatawa Bank and got money for our trip. Next stop was Chase bank. I told Chase that I was traveling next week. They sent an email saying they got me covered. Later I got an email allegedly sent from Chase. The folks at Chase said the email was a fraud. I continued my walk. Ate lunch and then spent some time messing around. At 1615 Nancy and headed to Meijer Gardens. We are working tonights concert. I was glad I bundled up. My job was taking tickets. The turnout for tonight's concert was great. I was on my feet from 1630 to 1930. Shift ended at 1930 and I bought a beer and ate the salad Nancy had prepared. It was great. The concert was all local talent. Nancy worked until almost 2000. She joined me but I was so cold that I headed to the car, turned the heat on and warmed up. We got home a little after 2000. Read the GRP and watched some TV before turning in.

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