Sunday, August 23, 2015

Saturday August 22, 2015

Up at 0700 and it looks like another nice summer day. I loaded my bike on the Cobalt's rack and drove to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I drove to Millennium Park for my Saturday ride. The parking lot was nearly full. The bike trails around the Park are really getting popular. Today I biked 18 miles in 90 minutes. At home I tried to take Ms P on a walk but she balked so I took a 45 minute walk. I had lunch and spent some time working on my bike and bike rack. The Safari folks called today and said they had a large packet of material for our upcoming trip to S. Africa. We are going to meet with them Monday. Nancy did the laundry today and I finished the afternoon messing in my office. At 1730 we headed to Houlihan's for dinner. We met the Namey's. The food was good tonight. After dinner we drove to the Namey's for dessert and conversation. A most pleasant evening.

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