Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday August 18, 2015

Back to normal Tuesday. Nancy is up at 0630 and gets ready for her Tuesday swim. I am also back to normal. I did the calisthenics at 100%. The weather folks said it will rain so I got on the bike right after breakfast and went on a ride. I did not get rained on but as soon as I got home it started. Perfect timing. Drove the Cobalt to Panera. I forgot to download the WSJ at home so I tried using Panera's wi-fi. No luck the WSJ would not download. I left Panera and drove to Starbucks. Starbucks wifi downloaded the paper in a flash. Donald Trumps ideas on immigration are stupid. I am also not a fan Gov Walker. Ohio Gov Kasich is my choice. Ex Senator Webb of VA is my choice for a Democrat. I like the idea of travel to Cuba. Nancy and I have put a trip to Cuba on our bucket list. After Starbucks I head to Groskoph to see about some travel items we might need for Africa. I found an electric converter that only works in S. Africa. I bought it. Next stop was Bill and Paul's. I am looking for a good pair of walking shoes. They had several I liked but I will not buy until I check out Cabella's tomorrow after Breakfast Club. Nancy and Mary Namey drove to Grand Haven today to have lunch with a fellow teacher, Bonnie Cowles. Nancy said they had a great lunch. Today I have my standard lunch, yogurt, cheese, apple and hard boiled egg. I started to take Ms P on a walk when it started to rain. I had to change clothes when I got home. My doctor recommended that I get a Med-Alert bracelet for our Africa trip. I checked on-line and found that Walmart makes these bracelets. I drove to Walmart and they said they no longer make the bracelets. They recommended I go on-line. I finished this afternoon with a 2.5 mile walk. It was so humid that I had to shower when I got home. It is now 2055 and I am sitting on the deck writing this blog. Not much on TV so it will be an early night. Have to get up early for BC.

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