Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday August 3, 2015

We all slept in, again. No MVP for Nancy and I did the calisthenics at 50%. Quick breakfast and then walked to Panera. Major news about the EPA new rules regarding fossil fuels. I don't think it took anyone by surprise. I think Climate Change is for real. Science is about analyzing existing data and making sensible conclusions. The climate change data is pretty convincing. Of course as new data becomes available previous conclusions must be modified. I am glad I sold my Peabody Coal stock several years ago. Syria, the Kurds, Turkey, ISIS and all the actors in the Middle East seem to be fighting one another. Who is right? As I have said many times we should just get out! After Panera I got on my bike and headed to Macatawa Bank. I put some check books and other important records in our lock box. Finished with an eight mile ride. After lunch we headed to Sears so Nancy could return a swim suit. We then headed to Meijer Gardens. It was such a nice day. Spent several hours looking around. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. Called the taxi to pick us up at 0945.

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