Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday August 24, 2015

The day started normally. Up at 0645 Nancy heads to MVP and I do the at home stuff. The humidity in the lower level was very high this morning so I checked the dehumidifier and it was not working. This was my first surprise. After breakfast I went on a 12 mile bike ride. It was in the low 60s so I bundled up. Showered and found that the lower level toilet float had failed. Surprise number 2. Started dressing and Nancy called and asked what was the animal on our garage roof. We yelled at the critter and found out we had a raccoon. The raccoon appeared sick. I tried to scare the critter off the roof and thought I had accomplished this task. I walked to Panera and had my morning coffee. At 1145 I headed home. The raccoon was back on the roof. It really looked lethargic. At noon Nancy and I headed out to meet with Kidder Safari. Alverda Kidder provided us with our tickets and a packet of travel material. When we got home Nancy headed out to run errands. My first chore was to take Ms P out. The raccoon was off the roof. In our courtyard Ms P went on point like a bird dog. The raccoon was lying in the bushes. I think he had fallen from the roof. It appeared dead. I got a shovel to put it in a bag when it revived. I carried the coon to the front yard and let him go. It ambled off into the bushes. I don't know the sex of our mystery raccoon. The rest of the afternoon was spent running errands and fixing the toilet. My first errand was to the battery shop to get a battery for our remote. I thought I needed a special AA battery. The man at the shop said that a AA is a AA and that I probably had a bad replacement battery. Next I stopped at Gander Mountain and Dick's to see about buying a special tick repellant. Kidder Safari had recommended this brand. Neither store had the repellant. I spent an hour removing the toilet float. After dinner I will take the float to ACE. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. I took the toilet float to ACE and they had a replacement. Replaced the float and everything worked fine. Watched some netflix before turning in.

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