Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday August 30, 2015

Sunday morning and we head to MVP for our Sunday swim. For the first time since we have been members Nancy and I were the only swimmers. No Meijer's today because we are having brunch at the Moleski's at 1030. Nancy is taking quiche. We load up the car and head out. The Namey's and Tim were also in attendance. In addition to the quiche we had sausage, oatmeal pancakes and fresh fruit. It was great. We left at 1330 and stopped at Meijer's to buy some supplies. As soon as we got home we loaded up Ms P and headed to Kim's. Kim is taking Ms P while we are on our safari. Kim and Ms P get along great. We had clam chowder and BLT's for dinner. Read the GRP and watched some netflix before turning in.

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