Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Monday August 31, 2015

Last day of August and that means summer is over. Weather folks consider the months June, July and August to be summer. It was cool this morning but mid 80s is predicted for this afternoon. After the at home stuff I pedaled to Panera. Had coffee and read the WSJ before going on a 14 mile bike ride. From the WSJ I take, Joe Biden won't run, China has problems, Europe still has not solved it refugee problem. This afternoon I ran some errands. Took the memory card I bought for Nancy back to Meijer's for a smaller card. Meijer's said they did not have the right card but they gave me a refund. Next I went to Best Buy to see if they had a memory card. They laughed and said to camera is too old. I will down load all the photos on the camera to Nancy's MAC and then clean the card. I spent the rest of the afternoon packing and getting in ready for our trip. We had a light dinner and then watched the TV news. It was a nice warm evening so I took a walk around the block, a distance of 1.25 miles. We watched a movie on netflix, Amish Murder before turning in.

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