Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sunday September 27, 2015

Sunday morning and first thing Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs. My sister agrees the eggs were world famous. I took Ms P for her daily walk before we head out to Art Prize. We left at 1030 and our first stop was the Women's City Club. The club is located on top of the Fulton St hill. It was early but the City Club was very crowded. We walked down Fulton to Division and headed south visiting several venues along Division. In the past ten years south Division has gone through a major upgrade. New bars and restaurants have sprouted up. Nancy and I will have to try some of the new restaurants. At noon UCIS opened and we viewed all their entries. We also visited several venues on south side of Fulton. Every year the Bob is a must stop and this year was no exception. They did not have anything outside but the inside was crammed with entries. It was also very crowded. This was our last stop and we were all tired so we headed back up the Fulton St hill. Helen said that her pedometer on her iphone said we walked over 5 miles. The iphone 6s have a built in app called Heart and it measures steps and miles. I did not know this but I checked my phone and I got the same reading as Helen. Nancy fixed a pasta dish for dinner. We were all tired but after some pasta and wine we relaxed watching TV before turning in.

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