Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Friday September 25, 2015

Today was another great Fall day. We did start off with some fog but it burned off by noon. After the at-home routine I headed to Panera. The WSJ continues heavy Pope coverage. I am surprised that the visit of the Premier of China did not get more space. John Boehner's resignation was a surprise. Although if I had to deal with all the Tea Party stone heads I would resign too. After Panera I pedaled to Meijer's to mail a package to CA. It has to be there by 10/4. Today's ride followed my normal route backwards. It is great to be back to normal. It's boring but comforting. Took Ms P on her walk, showered and then had lunch. I have not yet weaned myself from an afternoon nap. I am blaming it on delayed jet lag. Linda Moleski called Nancy and asked if we want to join them at Charlie's Bar and Grill. Charlie's was having a smelt dinner special. We said yes. Charlie's has a great smelt basket. Tonight we watched a BBC Cop show on netflix. It was not very good. It is now 2139 and Nancy has headed to bed and I will soon follow.

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