Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Saturday September 26, 2015

Saturday the last in September and it looks like another great day. We have a busy day today so I walk over to Panera for oatmeal and a chance to read the WSJ. The Pope and Premier of China dominates but Mr Putin is trying to insert himself into world affairs. After Panera I took the long route home. I took Ms P on her daily walk. Nancy and I got dressed up and headed to a Memorial Service for our long time next door neighbor, on Mackinaw, Edith Calloway. The Service was held at the A.M.E. church on James. This is the first time I attended a Memorial service at a Black Church. I was dressed business casual which is fine for Alpena but I should have worn a suit and tie. Every one was dressed in their Sunday finest. I think it is a sign of respect and regret I did not do my home work. Bob Calloway, Edith's husband, greeted us warmly and I think he was glad we showed up. I was too. After the service I ran some errands and did chores around the house until nap time. This afternoon my sister, Helen, is visiting us. We are all going to attend Art Prize on Sunday and Monday. Helen arrive around six and after some wine Nancy grilled hamburgs and corn. After dinner we spent some time talking. A very pleasant day.

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