Monday, August 3, 2015

Sunday August 2, 2015

We all slept in today. We are in our wind down mode. We head to CA on Tuesday. First thing I took a short 50' bike ride. It was hot and humid. AJ has her last bike ride lesson today. We walked over to a vacant office parking lot and spent about 30' practicing. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I took the Taurus to Meijer's for gas. Also stopped at Starbucks for my morning coffee. The weather forecast is constantly changing. We do not know what to do this afternoon. Finally Nancy gets a call from her friend Kathi saying she wants Nancy and AJ to come over for a swim. AJ said a swim would be great. I stayed home, talked to Missy on facetime and then spent some time packing. Packing is a challenge for us old guys. Need my pills and all the electronic chargers. I checked my credit card account and paid my bill. Nancy and AJ got home at 1700. Fired up the grill and we had grilled brats, hot dogs and vegetables for dinner. We watched 60' and read the GRP this evening. Finished the evening watching netflx. The temperature reached 90 today. The weather station has thunder storm warning up for our area. It is now 2208 and thunder storms have rolled through. The temp has dropped from 90 to 64. Nancy and AJ are in bed and I am watching Ninja Warrior. I like the show. The rain has stopped and it looks like the week will be sunny and warm.

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