Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monday June 29, 2015

Last Monday in June and it looks like it will be a good one. Nancy heads out to make her 0800 class and I do the at home stuff. Today for my bike ride I put on my bike shoes. These shoes have clips but the clips are depressed so I can use them on flat pedals. My new pedals have one side flat and the other side clipped. About two miles into the ride a large deer ran in front of me. First deer I have encountered in several months. The trail was busy this morning. I did not try the clips until about mile 10. They worked great and I remembered to unclip when I stopped. The downside to clips are in panic stop situations when failure to unclip leads to a tip over. Today I rode 14 miles. Before lunch I took a trip to Meijer's to mail a package. I also bought shaving location and priced a booster seat. The painters starting working on the condo today. This evening Howie and Shirley Short are spending the night. They have an early flight to Denver on Tuesday. They got here at 1730. We had dinner at Marco's. It was Monday night but the place was crowded. At home we sat in the living room and had a nice conversation. Howie and I had a shot of Scotch made in Campbeltown, Scotland, my GGF Mctavish's birthplace. Today was a nice summer's day.

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