Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday June 5, 2015

1658 Friday, sitting on deck writing this blog. Cloudy and 70. I had an easy Friday morning. Did not get up until 0700 and did the calisthenics at a relaxed pace. Left for Panera at 0900 about 45 minutes behind my normal time. WSJ was writing about Greece,the Middle East and Japan selling Navy ships to the Philippines. Japan just might be the buffer between the small nations in the South China Sea and the 500 pound gorilla, China. Is our Congress afraid of making decisions that benefit the USA? I really don’t think immigration and free trade solutions are that difficult. I keep reading that investment in infrastructure is good for the economy. Why not raise the gas tax? The gas tax is utility tax. If you don’t drive you don’t pay for roads but if you do drive you are paying for road improvements. Seems fair to me. Our Michigan legislators, especially the GOP folks, do not have the guts to raise the gas tax. They were elected to solve problems like funding roads but can not adopt a simple solution. Shame, shame! After coffee I got on the bike and headed out on a 14 mile ride. About mile 11 I stopped at Meijer’s to buy some yogurt for lunch. I got home about 1230. Kim came today to clean and the house looks great. After lunch I picked up Ms P and took her to the tendon and joint Vet. He took an X-ray of her injured knee. The X-ray showed a torn tendon. We will observe Ms P for two weeks and if she does not get better she will have surgery. I finished my afternoon physical activity with a 3.2 mile walk. Nancy has fired up our new grill. She is fixing chicken for dinner. Checking in on Grandmother Hughes on her 1927 European trip. On June 2 Grandmother was in Rome and had an audience with the Pope. On June 5, a Sunday, Grandmother saw a military review put on by the fascist Black Shirts. She spent the afternoon with a friend she met on the ship visiting museums and having tea and dinner in a fancy restaurant. On this date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi: GGF Sanborn commented on the heavy thunder storm that passed through in the morning. Morley and LaMay came over at 1000 and loaded oven mill sitis. (I have no idea what sitis is?) In the afternoon he attended a Alpena County League baseball game. Grange won.

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